Voodoo dolls play an important role in voodoo magick spells. That’s why, you need to learn how to make them.
First of all, try to make a voodoo doll which would symbolize you. For that, keep the fast for one week, don’t drink alcohol, smoke or make love. On the 8th day, in the morning, take a shower or bath and put on some clean clothes. That’s when you can start making your doll. By that time, you should buy all the required ingredients. Make sure you’re home alone.
Take a lump of natural beeswax the size of your palm and put it in front of you. Take a pin and prick your hand with it (make sure the wound starts bleeding). Keep casting your voodoo spell to make your voodoo doll and let your 14 blood drops fall down on the wax. Knead the wax with your blood carefully.
Model a doll which looks like you. If you want to practice real voodoo magic, make sure the doll actually resembles you (in terms of its figure, disproportions, stoop). If you don’t do that, your voodoo magick spells won’t be able to help you.
When the doll is ready, apply some blood to the dolls forehead, chest and belly, and say, I name you… (say your name) Now you are me!
That’s not the end of the voodoo spell to make a voodoo doll. Now clothe the doll, using your clothes which you have worn but haven’t washed. Use your shirt to make a shirt for the doll and use your pants to make pants for the doll. Cut a lock of your hair and attach it to the dolls head.
That’s it! The voodoo doll and ritual is complete. Now you have to burn down everything that’s left after the doll-making. As for the doll, put it in a box and hide the box in a secure place. If the doll ends up in the hands of someone else, this person will be in control of you and your life!
How to use Your Voodoo Doll
There are Voodoo doll rituals which allow people to change their appearance the way they want. It doesn’t matter how old you are and whether you have esoteric experience or not. If you have a voodoo doll that’s been made following all the instructions above, you can do that!
First, let me tell you how a voodoo doll spell can help you lose some weight. Since you are going to practice positive voodoo magick, the candles have to be white.
Put four candles on the table. Take two white candles they will fill you with light energies. Take a blue or purple candle it will help your mind understand what’s going on. Take a golden candle it will fill you with health and powers to create.
Light the candles and put your voodoo doll in the middle. That’s when you can cast your voodoo spell to lose weight. Undress the doll, touch the problem area with your finger (remember, the doll should look very much like you). Feel that area on your body getting warm.
Such voodoo doll spells are based on your feelings. If you don’t feel anything, it means you’re doing something wrong.
Smooth out the fat on the dolls body slowly until its gone. Ideally, make it look like muscles. Make the dolls body look like you want your body to look. Pay attention to your feelings. If you perform the ritual correctly, you will feel your body losing weight, your fat burning inside of you and your muscles developing.
If you don’t feel well during the ritual, feel pain or dizziness, stop the ritual. Undress the doll, remove the hair from its head and say, I break the connection with you. From now on, you are just a wax doll. Spit in its face thrice. Put the candles out. You should feel better within the next few minutes. If you don’t get better, immediately contact me, a professional spell caster, to receive urgent magick aid.
Let’s assume you feel fine while practicing the Voodoo Doll Ritual. On the contrary, you feel very good and full of energy. After the ritual, hide the doll and do what you usually do. Don’t worry, the magick of the ritual has been activated. First of all, you will notice that you don’t eat that much anymore. Secondly, you will feel full of energy which is why you will want to go to the gym and working out will give you nothing but pleasure. Thirdly, the ritual will boost your metabolism and you will start losing pounds quickly.
With the help of the voodoo doll, you can change your height, the shape or length of your legs, the size of your penis. However, you should be very careful. By breaking your doll accidentally, you will cast a fracture or dislocation curse on yourself.
I hope that this was informative and helpful. If so, tell me in the comments below.
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