Five Prayers to Lucifer
Here are 5 prayers to Lucifer I will share with you from my collection. Most of these prayers have been modified by me over time, to suit my own canter
Candle Flame Interpretation & Meaning
Candle magick is an incredibly popular and effective form of spellwork. But as any experienced witch will attest, spell candles sometimes seem to have a mind of their own. A
Five Hard Truths About Magick
Of the many laws of magick, there are a few that you’ll never see on a T-shirt or affirmation board. Here, we’ll cover some of the tough stuff: The harsh,
Free Witchcraft Supplies: Nine tools of the Craft that are Totally (or Nearly) Free
Magickal stuff is all around us, and some of it doesn’t cost a thing. The thrifty Witch knows that successful magick doesn’t need to be expensive. Here are nine easy ways
The Magick of Seashells
Seashells are a very special magickal material—a beautiful gift of Earth and Sea. Shells are found in the secret space between these two kingdoms, which is revealed only during the
Weird Pagan Words: An Annotated List
Like any other subculture, Pagans have our own special vocabulary. Many of them just aren’t found in Wicca 101 books or infographics. Fortunately, I write down unfamiliar words and Google
Representing the Elements on a Pagan Altar
Connecting to the powers of the Four Elements is a foundational practice for many Pagans. Earth, Air, Fire, and Water move through us and inspire us. As ideas, they help
The Eight Sabbath: Witch’s Holidays
Modern Pagans celebrate eight major holidays throughout the year, known as Sabbats. They are based on pre-Christian customs related to the movement of the sun. Most are related to the
What’s up with Energy Play? Six Secrets of Fun and Consensual Energy Sharing
Energy play is the voluntary exchange of subtle energy between two or more people. It is usually—but not always—accomplished through physical contact. Energy play is quite common within magickal groups.
Gemstones and their Meanings: 40 Stones for Magick and Meditation
Looking for stones for your magickal toolkit? Here’s a crash course in 40 of the most commonly available crystals and gemstones. Working with crystals can improve your personal energy, amp
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Manifest Thy Will
You were just now led to me. It is no accident that you are on my website. You are here because you’re not like the rest. You’re not afraid to go into the darker realms to get the results you seek. You crave a solution to solve your problems, get rich, find the love of your life and become happy. Thus you are now here!
I am the Master of the Dark Arts and I have been initiated many lifetimes to serve the All powerful Master of Dark & Light and become his Ambassador of the Dark Arts. Through him there is no need to work with demons as he is above it all.
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