Blood Magick, is the use of blood as the main ingredient, during a ritual or spell- normally your own blood, however, if you are doing it for someone else it could be a bit different since you will have to use their blood (with permission and caution). Those few drops can truly add strength to a magical working in different ways. Some individuals wrongly think that applying blood in magick is dark’ or usually only linked to malicious plans. But, this far from the truth.
Blood Magick involves casting the strongest kind of rituals and can be pretty potent if you are willing to perform it, and if you understand what you are doing. It should not be carried out carelessly or lightly, but it does not match the taboo branding that most people are quick to call it. The reality is, Blood Magick is not necessarily about killing animals or people in ritual offerings. Blood Magick has no blood sacrifice requirements and you don’t have to cause harm, It is not about laying some innocent being out on an altar or in the middle of a pentagram and wounding or executing it.
Blood Magick is not essentially evil. Is Blood evil? Or does it turn evil’ or want to do ill-disposed deeds just because it is currently in your body? If that is not the case, why do you imagine it would become evil’ when it is outside of your body? Most people come from a more impersonal viewpoint. They see blood just like a component or object you would apply in Magick- simply as a tool and that is how it should be. It is a quite robust tool, yet a tool nonetheless. It is neither malevolent nor benevolent in its own right. Usually, you could apply it for a number of reasons, though just like any other kind of tool it is not recommended to use it for immoral goals.
When it comes to performing and casting Blood Magick spells, it is important always to be extra careful. And if you want your rituals to come full circle and have desired effects, you will have to follow the ritualistic steps to the latter. First of all, getting your hands on all of the specific ingredients will go a long way in helping you keep a cool head. Also getting your hands on a reliable spell casting handbook for beginners would be of incredible help especially if you are just but a novice. These kinds of spells require pin-point accuracy. This is because if you miss a step, the entire spell will either be useless or worse, backfire! In other occasions, blood magick spells may require chanting. If that’s the case, it would be wise to get your words right before carrying on with the ritual. Also, your words need to be in line with your thoughts or else the spell will either backfire or not have the desired effects.
Blood Magick Spells Draw Power From Blood:
Blood use is synonymous with every aspect of witchcraft because of its immense power. Blood is what keeps us all alive. Without it, life would never be possible. Apart from giving us life through nourishment, blood connects people from a spiritual connotation, which is why we often feel close, connected and drawn to the family. It’s because we are spiritually bonded by blood, and that’s what makes it such a powerful ingredient. That said, when practicing blood magick spells, one ought to treat blood with the utmost respect while handling it with care. Keeping the blood pure is what’ll make the blood magick spells effectively. Blood represents the spirit of a person or animal. Therefore, it can be used to influence their spirit when included in spell casting. You can either use your blood or that of someone else depending on the nature of your spell. For the latter, you’ll be required to get a pure sample of the subject’s blood before commencing with your spell casting. Blood magick spells are among the most powerful spells in witchcraft. Meaning that if you can accurately cast a spell, your chances of getting whatever you want will be so high. Again, make sure you’ve practiced the spells over and over so that your chances of messing up are between zero to none. If you happen to be a novice, seeking help from a seasoned witch or spell caster is highly recommended.
Blood Magick Spells Don’t Include Human Sacrifice:
Thanks to Hollywood, the populace has come to associate witchcraft with putrid, ritualistic sacrifices of humans and animals which is nothing but lies. Just because blood is the main ingredient in blood magick spells doesn’t mean you’ll have to kill anyone. Just a little drop of blood, either from you or the subject of your spell, is enough for your spell casting rituals. It is also important to note that most people who practice blood magick spell always do it for good. For instance, if you want your husband to love you more, you can always serve him some red wine laced with a drop of your fresh menstrual blood. This is to ensure that both of you are happier in your marriage since he’ll find you much more attractive. A few people might perform blood magick spells for vengeful reasons. But in most cases, all they want to do is punish someone who did them wrong. Therefore, the first rule beginners need to comprehend and adhere to is that blood magick spells don’t involve killing for blood. Once that has been understood, then they can proceed to learn what blood magick spells and witchcraft as a whole discipline is all about.
Blood Magick Spells And Sterilizing Go Hand In Hand:
As earlier stated, Hollywood has successfully portrayed blood magick spells as archaic and disgusting. And that explains the reason why many people shun witchcraft, let alone practicing it. Knowing a thing or two about connecting to a higher power doesn’t mean that you get a free pass from a blood infection. That’s one fact even the hardcore witches from the Medieval Era were rather intimate with. Therefore, you’ll be required to use some methylated spirit or alcohol to disinfect the needle. Also, remember to apply some of the disinfectants on the area on the skin you intend on pricking. And this should be before and after the pricking and drawing of blood. You can use clean cotton wool dumped in methylated spirit for the cleaning. Get another clean, disinfected cotton wool and place it over the pricked area of the skin until the blood clots. This is important since it will go a long way in reducing chances of infection after breaking the skin. You should also make time to disinfect all the tools you’ll use for your carrying out your blood magick spells as a general precaution. And if you aren’t that good when it comes to disinfecting things, it’s never too late to learn especially because of your general help as a budding which is important. Always remember to dispose of the used needle and cotton wools properly. This has everything to do with hygiene rather than appeasing your ancestors in the afterlife.
Blood Magick Spells Only Need A Few Drops Of Blood:
Blood magick spells and rituals only require a drop too few drops of blood. To be on the safe side, only get as much as you need every time you need to carry out a blood magick spell. Like I stated above, blood is important when it comes to keeping us alive. Therefore, if you take more than you need, you might end up putting yourself or your subject in danger. You should also consider getting some training on how to successfully draw blood for your blood magick spells. And this goes out to all beginners out there. You don’t have to tell anyone that you are learning the skill for the sake of casting blood magick spells. The point is learning the skill, not making the nurses uncomfortable. You should also learn how to clean and dress the pricked area on the skin before proceeding with your witchcraft. Clean the area on your until it has fully healed to avoid reinfection. If you suck at it, no worries. Just like it is with everything else, you’ll get better with constant practicing. P.S.: The best place for drawing blood is the tip of your fingers. Do not stick the needle in way too deep because you might end up hitting an artery, which is something you might not want to do!
Avoid Blood Magick Spells Involving Eating Blood:
Unfortunately, Hollywood is also to blame for this kind of brainwashing. Thanks to their many successful vampire movies, millions of people have come to believe that blood is safe for human consumption. What they never tell you in vampire movies is the consumption of blood affects human negatively, both physically and spiritually. And if you consume too much blood, you’ll be at the risk of hemochromatosis, which might see you taking long-term residence at the nearest hospice. Organ failure has also been reported especially in extreme blood consumption cases. Therefore, if you ever come across blood magick spells or rituals that require you to consume blood, don’t hesitate to look for other safer options. And if you have no other choice but to consume blood for your dreams to come true, then a single drop should “complete the charm” quite perfectly. The drop of blood you consume has to be screened for ailments especially if it doesn’t come from you. The blood also has to be pure because any contamination or mixing of blood will make the spell weak or useless. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to draw blood for a ritual without contaminating it. Just look it up on the internet.
If They Eat Your Blood, They Gain Power Over You:
A lot of blood magick spells casting beginners don’t know that blood is the essence of life. In fact, that’s where the term “lifeblood” was coined from. It is one’s spirit in physical form and therefore, you need to be very careful when dealing with it. This also means you ought to be mindful whom you allow consuming your blood. This is because allowing people to consume your blood is giving them spiritual dominion over your essence. It is therefore very important to take your time and learn all about blood magick spells and witchcraft as a discipline before practicing. Looking for an alternative to blood magick spells that involve the consumption of blood should always be an option. This is because allowing someone with ill intentions to consume your blood might end up making you their spiritual slave without your knowledge.
Blood Magick Spells Repel Blood From The Unwilling:
People who are familiar with the workings of blood magick spells and rituals will tell you that your state of mind is a very important ingredient. For instance, you cannot claim to be in love with someone, carry out the blood magick spells to attract him or her when all you feel is uncertainty. Having an attitude that compliments your blood magick rituals is what’ll make your spells stronger and likely to take effect. Drawn blood is usually infused with the current energy from your entire body, including your mind. Therefore, if you are drawing blood from a doubtful or unwilling person or animal, then you’ll have negative energy passed on to your ritual, ruining it. Unfortunately, this is a mistake that is very common especially when it comes to beginners. I would, therefore, recommend learning how to condition your mind before carrying out blood magick spells. Your mind is what connects you to the universe through vibrations that’ll make your blood magick spells to work. If you want to one thing from your spell casting but your mind is wishing for the exact opposite — you’ll end up failing miserably. That’s why I’ll always recommend tons of practice before attempting.
Blood Magick Spells Are For Serious Situations Only:
I can’t get enough of emphasizing just how powerful blood magick spells are. They are simply the most powerful spells in witchcraft and should, therefore, be handled with a lot of caution. Most of them happen to be irreversible and shouldn’t be used on impulse. This is why discipline and wisdom are key when it comes to practicing blood magick spells. For instance, if your little sister is doing what little sisters do — being brats — ignore her or yell at her is always the best option. DO NOT cast a blood magick spell on her because you are angered by her childish. Remember always to take some time to cool down especially when you are emotional. This will save you from doing things you’ll only end up regretting later. That way, your spirit will not be tainted because you wouldn’t have used blood magick spells to cause harm. If your judgment is clouded by emotion, it is always wise to take a timeout as soon as possible. That’s why I always recommend having a few witchcraft buddies in your circle. That way, if you can’t make clear-cut decisions about when you cast blood magick spells, you can always rely on their input.
Blood Magick Spells Aren’t Meant For Revenge:
Most vengeful beginners will turn to witchcraft the moment they feel offended or violated, which never ends well. If you learn how to cool down before making decisions, you’ll likely brush off the negative energy and move on with your life without the need to curse anyone. The same should be the case whenever someone puts a hex on you. Once you make your discovery, you can perform an unbinding spell, purify yourself and let karma finish the job. The simplest way to purify yourself from a hex is taking a bath with water that has been charged with ultraviolet rays (from the afternoon sun). Learning how to protect yourself from evil spells can aide in evading a lot of misfortunes evil people throw at you.
Find Other Ingredients For Your Blood Magick Spells:
Blood isn’t the only ingredient you’ll need when conducting your blood magick spells. Therefore, whether you are a newbie or have been practicing magick for a while, it is important to get in the habit of collecting everything before commencing with spell casting. Doing this will not only make the ritual run smoothly but will also give your spirit some sense of calm while you are at it. The good thing about blood magic spells is that their ingredients are readily available. Some of these ingredients might include photos, a needle, sanitized cotton wools, a candle, a bowl of water and so forth. As you have seen, most of these ingredients can be easily acquired and therefore shouldn’t give you a hard time gathering them. Therefore, gathering them together will not only make your spell casting easy but also bring positive vibes to the table. And once you have the necessary ingredients in place, try and relax while arranging them accordingly. Different blood magick spells require different ingredients as well as chanting. Always bear that in mind, and you’ll do just fine. Again, don’t ever shy away from asking for help especially from the witches within your area. I don’t know how much I have to stress about the importance of pinpoint accuracy when it comes to casting blood magick spells. Just know that the success of your spell is highly dependent on it — period.
There Are Substitutes For Blood In Blood Magick Spells:
As I have mentioned, blood is the most powerful ingredient for any rituals. But that doesn’t change the fact that there are a lot of people who can’t access blood and for some reasons. For instance, some people — myself included — get numb at the sight of blood. We suffer from a condition called hemophobia which makes the sight of blood rather distasteful for us. Other people, especially beginners, might also not know how to draw blood for the blood magick rituals safely. If you happen to fall under any of the two categories, don’t lose hope in practicing witchcraft just yet. There are other alternatives to blood. These alternatives might not be as powerful as blood but will end up working just fine. Some of these alternatives include nail clippings, saliva, semen, and urine just to mention a few. You’ll be required to treat the alternative ingredients with utmost respect and care. This is because contamination will either make your spell less effective or not effective at all. It might help if you took time to learn how to handle the above-mentioned blood substitutes. You’ll need to get to the point where you can carry out spells is second to nature before carrying them out.
Always Get The Blood Magick Spells Chanting Right:
Chanting is what realigns your spirit and your blood magick ritual, making the spell even more powerful. Remember my emphasis on getting your rituals, right? Well, you’d want to put the same emphasis when it comes to the chanting. Never, and I repeat, never get the words of blood magick spells wrong lest you end up ruining your rituals. First and foremost, you’ll need to memorize the chants for the specific blood magick spells. Doing this will not only make you confident when casting spells but will also help you in shifting your focus to your state of mind during the spells. In other words, you’ll always be better off knowing your chants by heart than when you don’t. There are specific spells that are written in other languages that you might not be familiar with. If that’s the case, you can always learn how to chant them without messing up the elocution. And for you to achieve that kind of accuracy, you’ll need to invest time in practice.
Find A Sacred Place For Casting Blood Magick Spells:
Finding the perfect place for practicing witchcraft is common problem beginners from all walks of life are faced with. And for that matter, it would be smart to, first of all, find a good, quiet and very secretive place for carrying out your spells. Thankfully, there are plenty of places you can use as your altar for witchcraft. If you can’t find the appropriate place for casting your blood magick spells, simply turn to the internet for help. A lot of people are still at loggerheads with people who explore their spirituality through witchcraft. Therefore, in as much standing up for your belief systems is encouraged, avoiding confrontations for the sake of protecting your vibes and energy is always the smartest way. If you are living alone, you can use your bedroom as your spell casting space. Don’t attempt witchcraft in the living room because your visitors will get spooked. If you have a basement, then, by all means, use it for your rituals. In short, just make sure you are doing everything in secret to avoid regular interruptions and judgment.
Don’t Use Blood Magick Spells To Attain Power:
In as much as Hollywood has profited a great deal from depicting witchcraft as evil in their movies, the fact is that magick can also be used for good. That said, learning how to cast blood magick spells that’ll only do good should always be your goal. The moment you get yourself entertaining thoughts about harming anyone using magick, that’s the perfect time to rethink your reasons for practicing magick. Never cast a spell when boiling in anger because blood magick spells, especially when used carelessly, can ruining lives permanently. Again, refrain from casting blood magic spells and rituals whenever you are feeling emotional. This warning goes particularly to beginners because veteran blood magic spell casters are supposed to know better than to behave like this. Apart from not carrying out such rituals with the intent of gaining power, you should also refrain from using magic for vanity. Most people would want to succeed in every aspect of their lives without putting in the work. Thing is, if you want to get things the easy way, then you’ll also prepare yourself for losing them the easy way. Ever heard of the dictum “easy come, easy go”? I bet you have. And to make matters worse, using magick to gain an advantage will deny you the chance to build your character. Character can only be built through hard work, endurance, and sacrifice. The same applies when using blood magick spells to influence people, especially against their wills. Always remember this; when you use magic to harm people, your evil deed will trigger off karmic energy and the same negativity will find its way back to you. And just so you know, there is no magick spell strong enough to protect you from karma.
Never Stop Learning New Blood Magick Spells:
Not a single individual has successfully mastered all the aspects of witchcraft. This means that learning and practicing never stop for anyone who is interested in perfect their blood magick spells. Therefore, practicing and researching should be your modus operandi irrespective of how good you are or how long you’ve been practicing witchcraft. Unlike in the past, the internet has made it possible for a ton of people to share their experiences with magic and spirituality in general. This means getting your hands on helpful information can be a walk in the park. You can also use the internet to connect to modern wizards and witches from all corners of the world. Many of these spiritual gurus will be happy to share whatever knowledge they have with you. All you need to do is getting rid of the mentality that you’ve learned enough already. Instead, just keep an open mind and once you come across anything new about blood magic or spirituality, then learn the skill by all means. Remember, the more knowledge you garner about witchcraft, the better you’ll be at casting blood magick spells as well as defending yourself from piously propelled attacks.
Only Cast Blood Magick Spells When You’re Confident:
By now, you ought to have already known that spells only work when you mean business. There are times when you want to perform a blood magick spell but have second thoughts. If you ever find yourself in such a situation, then putting a halt to the rituals should be the first thing you do. This is because not being at 100% always translates to likely to make a mistake. Mistakes and blood magic spells shouldn’t even sit in the same sentence. Lack of confidence is normally associated with spellcasting beginners. That’s why taking ample time to learn and appreciate the art of witchcraft is always paramount. Your personal growth and well-being solely depend on this. If you are double guessing your chanting ability, you are not ready to cast a spell either. If your lack of confidence is coming from being nervous, it’s always shrewd important to learn how to calm yourself down. A slow and deep breathing rhythm will go a long way in making you relaxed and therefore fit to carry out the blood magic spells.
Don’t Use Animal Blood For Blood Magick Spells:
As earlier mentioned, practicing blood magick spells with blood from an unwilling subject will always have an undesired outcome. That’s why using blood from an animal for these rituals is always a bad idea. Despite the fact that animals can’t give consent, they will protest having a needle stuck in their hip. Therefore, sticking to human blood is always the very best of options. It’s also difficult to treat an animal if you accidentally end up cutting in too deep. With humans, you can always clean the wound and put some pressure to stop the bleeding. But when you hurt an animal, you’ll need to see a vet, which, in some cases, might end up costing you an arm and a leg. And that’s exactly why experienced witches and wizards always use human blood and not blood obtained from animals. Many beginners, on the other hand, find themselves making this mistake. The good thing is that mistakes are just learning opportunities.
Always Seek Guidance:
You are never too skilled or experienced to seek guidance especially when it comes to blood magick spells and other related rituals. You should therefore not hesitate seeking assistance whenever you find yourself in doubt. As earlier stated, there are plenty of comprehensively written witchcraft guides that beginners, as well as veterans, can make good use of. Practicing on a regular basis is vital since it not only makes you more knowledgeable about spiritual matters. Practice also makes perfect and that is what will boost your confidence when carrying out these black magick spells. Besides, didn’t someone smart as hell once say that practice makes perfect? Well, they didn’t really lie, and you can feel free to try it in doubt.
Blood magick spells and rituals can either be used for good or bad. Therefore, strive to be the person who uses magick and spiritual knowledge to make the world a better place and not the other way around. Always remember that karmic energy is influenced by everything you do. This means if you strive to do good, good will always come your way. The same will happen if you practice witchcraft for revenge or to cause harm to others either for fun or just because you are a shitty person. Last but not least, practicing on a regular basis is what will make you better at casting blood magick spells. So, if you ever find yourself in doubt, all you need to do is go back to the basics.
Make Your Mark:
This spell idea can be used for a mix of different purposes, as it is simply a magickal way of focusing your attention on a goal. This is a spell to make things happen, whether its in love, employment or anything else.
- A sharp pin
A sheet of paper
A marker with black ink (no ballpoint pens)
Ashes or black pepper
A red candle
On the piece of paper, write out what you want to happen. Like I said, the purpose can be anything for this spell.
Underneath your words, draw the sigil that you see on the cover photo of this article.:
Say the words of the spell:
By my own blood I swear,
Fire, Earth, Water, Air
Bind the powers to my need
With this magick, I do bleed.
Give your thumb a good jab with the pin to bring up a drop of blood. Press it down on the sigil to leave a fingerprint. Repeat the words of the spell again.
Sprinkle the pepper or ash over the damp spot, then blow the excess away. Now light the candle, and burn the paper. Pinch out the flame using your finger and the thumb you pricked.
Blocked by Blood:
This is a protection spell, intended to protect your home from negative energy.
- A black cup or bowl (any material but plastic)
Pure water
A sharp pin
A few pinches of minced garlic
After the sun goes down, gather up your materials. If you can’t get all the herbs, just make do with the ones you can acquire. You must have the garlic though.
Fill the cup with water, and then add the herbs and garlic. Give it a stir with your index finger. Now use that pin to jab the same index finger, and bring up a drop of blood. Mix the the water again, letting your blood wash off into the liquid.
Now go outside, declare that you are protecting your threshold, and pour the water into the earth as close to the door as you can.
If you happen to live in an apartment, and can’t pour this out on your doorstep, you can modify the spell a bit. Take a little of the liquid and rub it on the door frame of your own apartment, and then pour the rest outside the main door of the building.
Note: for either of these spells, it would be a good idea to wash out your puncture wounds and get a bandaid on them when the rituals are finished. Always be safe when practicing blood spells.
I hope that this was informative and helpful. If so, tell me in the comments below
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